David Coates

British Labour Politics

Below are my writings on British Labour Politics. Much of it can be downloaded directly from this page in PDF or or Microsoft Word formats. Much of the earlier writing is now accessible through the WakeSpace Digital Archive of the Z. Smith Reynolds Library at Wake Forest University. Some of that material is still restricted, at the request of the publishers, but much is not.

If access proves difficult, please contact me directly.

Most of the books are available through the Wake Forest University Book Store (336) 758-5145. Click on a book’s image to purchase online through Barnes and Noble.

Labour after New Labour;Escaping the Debt
presented to a Workshop at the University of Warwick, March 11 2011
Available here
“Keeping the Tories at Bay”, Renewal, volume 18 no. 1/2, March 2010 

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“Chickens coming home to roost? New Labour at the Eleventh Hour,” British Politics, 4 (4), December 2009, pp. 421-33 

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“The Mistake Heard Round the World: Iraq and the Blair Legacy,” in Terrence Casey (editor), The Blair Legacy: Politics, Policy, Governance and Foreign Affairs; Cambridge,Polity Press, 2009, pp. 247-59. 

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“Darling, it’s entirely my fault: Gordon Brown’s legacy to Alistair and to himself,” British Politics 3 (1), April 2008, pp. 3-21. 

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“Life after Blair,”British Politics 2 (2),November 2007, pp. 428-34. 

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“Double-Shuffling Our Way to a Better Future,” Renewal, volume 15, number 3, 2007, pp. 110-116. 

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“Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: The Gender Dimensions of Treasury Policy under New Labour” (with Sarah Oettinger), in Claire Annersley et al (editors) Women and New Labour: Cambridge, Polity Press, 2007, pp. 117-132. 

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“A just war, or just another of Tony Blair’s wars?” in A. Bartholemew (editor), Empire’s Law, London, Pluto Press, 2006, pp. 282-296. 

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Prolonged Labour: the Slow Birth of New Labour Britain: London, Palgrave 2005.
“Labour Parties and the State in Australia and the UK” (with Greg Patmore), Labour History, Number 88, May 2005, pp. 121-142. 

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Blair’s War(with Joel Krieger): Cambridge, Polity Press, 2004
“The Development of the Anglo-American Model of Trade Union and Political Party Relations” (with Matthew Bodah and Steve Ludlam), Labour Studies Journal, vol. 28, no. 2, Summer 2003, pp. 1-22 

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“Strategic choices in the study of New Labour,”British Journal of Politics and International Relations, vol. 4, no. 3, October 2002, pp. 479-486. 

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“Trajectories of solidarity: changing union-party linkages in the UK and USA” (with Steve Ludlam and Matthew Bodah), British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Volume 4(2), June 2002, pp. 222-244. 

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“Capitalist Models and Social Democracy: the case of New Labour,” British Journal of Politics and International Relations Vol. 3, no. 3, October 2001, pp. 284-307. 

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“The internal and external face of New Labour’s political economy,” (with Colin Hay), Government and Opposition, vol. 36(4), Autumn 2001, pp. 442-471. 

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“Epilogue,” to L. Panitch and C. Leys, The End of Parliamentary Socialism: London, Verso, 2000, pp 272-291. 

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New Labour in Power (co-edited with Peter Lawler): Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2000.
“New Labour’s industrial and employment policy,” in D. Coates and P.Lawler (eds), New Labour into Power; Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2000, pp. 122-135. 

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“The character of New Labour,” in D. Coates and P. Lawler (eds), New Labour into Power; Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2000, pp. 1-15. 

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“Placing New Labour,” in B. Jones (ed), Political Issues in Britain Today, (5th edition): Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1999, pp. 346-366.
“Labour governments: old constraints and new parameters,” New Left Review 219, September-October 1996, pp. 62-78.
Running the Country: London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1991/5.
“Britain,” in T. Bottomore and R.J. Brym (editors) The Capitalist Class: An International Study : London, Harvester-Wheatsheaf, 1989, pp.19-45.
The Crisis of Labour: Oxford, Philip Allen, 1989.
“Social Democracy and the logic of political traditions” Economy and Society Vol.15 (3) August 1986, pp. 414-425.
“Parties in pursuit of socialism” in D. Coates, R. Bush and G. Johnston (editors) A Socialist Anatomy of Britain (Policy Press, 1985) pp.190-215 and 247-274.
The Context of British Politics; London, Hutchinson, 1984.
“The Labour Party and the Future of the Left”, The Socialist Register 1983, pp.90-102.
“The limits of the Labour Left: space and agency in the transition to socialism”, New Left Review 135, September-October 1982, 00.49-64.
“The Labour Left and the Transition to Socialism”, New Left Review129, September-October 1981, pp.15-30.
Labour in Power? A Study of the Labour Government 1974-79: London, Longman, 1980.
The Labour Party and the Struggle for Socialism: Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1975, 1981.
Social Stratification and Trade Unionism(with George Bain and Valerie Ellis): London, Heineman 1973.
“The teachers’ associations and the restructuring of Burnham,” British Journal of Education Studies Volume XX(2) June 1972, pp.192-204.
Teachers Unions and Interest Group Politics: Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1972.