David Coates

June 13, 2013

Observing British Labour Politics from Afar

  Reflections on the strategic dilemmas currently facing the British Labour Party, originally published (June 13, 2013) as “Walking Forward, Looking Back” on the Political Insight/Blog webpage of the U.K. Political Studies Association read more »
May 2, 2013

Gridlock in Washington: Conservative Heaven!

Commentary on recent developments in American politics, written for a British audience read more »
March 12, 2013

America in Trouble

First posted on the Comment page of the Sheffield Political Economy Research Institite (SPERI) website, University of Sheffield, UK Watching the economic policy debate in both Washington and London is a deeply frustrating experience. read more »
May 30, 2012

Olympic Lessons for an Imperial America

  The Olympics loom. American eyes will turn to London, hoping for Olympic gold. As they do so, it will be worth remembering that this will be London’s second post-World War II Olympic Games, not the first, and that there are also medals to be won by comparing the condition of the U.K. on the […] read more »