Radical Politics
Below are my writings on Radical Politics. Much of it can be downloaded directly from this page in PDF or or Microsoft Word formats. Much of the earlier writing is now accessible through the WakeSpace Digital Archive of the Z. Smith Reynolds Library at Wake Forest University. Some of that material is still restricted, at the request of the publishers, but much is not.
If access proves difficult, please contact me directly.
Most of the books are available through the Wake Forest University Book Store (336) 758-5145. Click on a book’s image to purchase online through Barnes and Noble.
“The concept of labour: its continuing relevance in social theory,” in A. Gamble, S. Ludlam, A. Taylor and S. Wood (editors), Labour, The State, Social Movements and the challenge of Neo-liberal Globalization: Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2007, pp. 7-20.
Available here » |
“Paradigms of explanation,” in D. Coates (editor), Varieties of Capitalism, Varieties of Approaches: Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2005, pp. 1-25.
Available here » |
“Conclusion: choosing between paradigms: a personal view,” in D. Coates (editor), Varieties of Capitalism, Varieties of Approaches: Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2005, pp. 265-271.
Available here » |
“The Continuing Relevance of the Miliband Perspective”, in J. Callaghan, S. Fielding and S. Ludlam (editors), Understanding Labour: Approaches to Labour and Labour History: Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2003, pp. 71-85
Available here » |
“Roger Scruton and the New Left” in N. Kirk (editor), Social Class: Defence and Challenges: Aldershot, Scolar Press, 1996, pp. 194-213. |
“Traditions of thought and the rise of UK social science” in James Anderson and Marilyn Ricci (editors) Society and Social Science (Open University) 1991 pp.237-295. |
Features of a Viable Socialism (with
Hans Breitenbach and Tom Burden); London, Harvester, 1990.
Available Here |
“In pursuit of the Anderson thesis” in C. Baker and D. Nicholls (editors) The Development of British Capitalist Society: A Marxist Debate (Northern Marxist Historians Group, 1988) pp.69-75. |
“The State and the working class in nineteenth century Europe” (with R.J. Looker), in James Anderson (editor) The Rise of the Modern State: Brighton, Wheatsheaf, 1986, pp.91-114. |
“Basic problems of socialist strategy” (with R.J. Looker), in D. Coates and Gordon Johnston (editors) Socialist Strategies: Oxford, Martin Robertson, 1983, pp.241-282. |