David Coates

About David Coates

Since 1999 I have held the Worrell chair in Anglo-American Studies at Wake Forest University in North Carolina. Before that I directed the International Centre for Labour Studies, and was Professor of Government, at the University of Manchester in the UK. I live on the outskirts of Winston-Salem with my wife and teenage son.

American Media Group Prize

American Media Group Prize

In June 2009 The New American Media Group awarded the Ethnic Media Award in the Commentary/Editorial (In-Language) category to an op-ed piece entitled “Qué Pasa Supports Barack Obama’s Candidacy,” written jointly with Peter Siavelis and Alejandro Manrique.

Read the press release. More details at http://expo.newamericamedia.org/

British Politics

British Politics

British Politics Prize

In December 2008, the article “Darling, it’s entirely my fault: Gordon Brown’s legacy to Alistair and to himself,” was named the best article in British Politics published in 2008.

Details at http://www.palgrave-journals.com/bp/index.html