Archive for January, 2011
January 30, 2011
Fact and Fiction in the “State of the Union” Debate
In last week’s State of the Union Address, President Obama replayed themes he had touched on here in North Carolina when speaking at Forsyth Technical College in December.[1] He spoke of competitive challenges and the danger of a loss of global leadership. read more »
January 21, 2011
Defending Health Care Reform – Again!
It has been very difficult in these last few days to decide whether or not to respond to the House Republicans’ first major political initiative of 2011 – their introduction and passing of the Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act. read more »
January 14, 2011
Introduction to the Book
Making the Progressive Case seeks to raise the quality of democratic discourse in the contemporary United States by making access to both sides of contemporary political debates easy and attractive. It brings together in one place underlying liberal positions on issues as disparate as market regulation and the war in Afghanistan, and sets them alongside […] read more »
January 5, 2011
Sanity in a Time of Madness
“When you are in Washington, remember what the voters back home want – less government and more freedom”[1] (Jim DeMint, welcoming tea-party backed victors in the 2010 mid-term elections) This is no ordinary day in American politics. This is the day power officially shifted in the House of Representatives from Nancy Pelosi’s Democrats to John […] read more »