David Coates

Archive for April, 2010

April 25, 2010

Stumbling Over a Mess of Your Own Making – Arizona and Immigration Reform

When Arizona’s Republican Governor Jan Brewer signed Senate Bill 1070 into law last week, she presented her signature as a legitimate response to a failure of policy at the federal level. No fan of racial profiling, she described what is now set to become the nation’s toughest immigration enforcement law as simply “another tool for […] read more »
April 17, 2010

Chapter 2: April 2010 Update

The first 3 months of 2010 were dominated politically by the struggle to pass health care reform. That struggle raised partisan bitterness to new heights, both in Washington DC and beyond. The January 2010 victory of Scott Brown in the special Senate election in Massachusetts totally altered the dynamic of Senatorial politics, removing any possibility […] read more »
April 14, 2010

Health Care Lessons from the Old South

Apparently the insurance commissioner of Georgia is currently refusing to comply with Kathleen Sebelius’ request to create a state pool for high-risk insurance plans as required under the health care reform bill signed into law in March. According to The New York Times (April 13, 2010) the commissioner told Sibelius that the legislation is likely […] read more »
April 12, 2010

Chapter 1: April 2010 update

ZP Heller posted an excellent piece on The Huffington Post on April 1 that is well worth reading if you can get to it. It is entitled ‘Ten Things You Can Do to Help Progressive Journalism”. The fact that ZP Heller had to post it at all speaks to his main initial point: the huge […] read more »

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